In Läkartidningen, 30 leading Swedish researchers in aging research offer their help to the government and Swedish governmental agencies to secure the best care for the elderly, the group most affected by the coronavirus. Read the opinion article here»»
A large number of Swedish researchers in Gerontology, including NEAR PI:s, have signed an opinion article in Sweden’s largest newspaper Aftonbladet. The researchers underlines that proper consideration has to be given to individual preconditions, not just chronological age, when deciding on treatment for coronavirus patiens. Read the article»»
Professor Ingmar Skoog, head of the Gothenburg Population studies and member of the NEAR Steering board, is interviewed on Swedish Television, Channel 4, on 6 April (in Swedish).
There is a new web page which presents and collects sources, map links and news about the pandemic. It can be found here.
The NEAR database managers will conduct an E-meeting on 16 April.
The NEAR Steering Board will conduct an E-meeting on 31 March.
Malin Ericsson from the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, defended her thesis “Socioeconomic influences on late-life health and mortality: Exploring genetic and environmental interplay” on 4 October, 2019. The full thesis, with summary in English and Swedish can be found via this link. Here she gives a short video presentation of […]
Mozhu Ding belonged to the Aging research center, department of neurobiology, care sciences and society at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm. Her Doctoral thesis “The Role of Atrial Fibrillation in Cognitive Aging: A population-based study” was defended on 12 December of 2019. Here, she gives a short presentation of her results. The full text of the thesis, […]
On 8 May Christina Dintica will defend her PhD thesis “Oral health and olfactory function: What can they tell us about cognitive aging?” in the Andreas Vesalius Hall, Berzelius väg 3, Karolinska Institutet, at 1:30 PM. The thesis investigates the association between oral and olfactory conditions and cognitive trajectories, brain structural differences, and the risk […]
The different regional projects within The Swedish National study on Aging and Care (SNAC) have begun their 7th wave of data collection in 2019 and will continue into 2022. In this phase there is both a follow-up of previous participants and also a recruitment of new cohorts of 60 and 81 year olds. The Gothenburg […]